Monday, November 9, 2015

It happened! You became blessed with a baby-in-the making!
A young mom or a tad older, to raise a happy, healthy baby theres a few things on your new agenda now.

If your smoke cigarette, NOW  is the time to quit, for your good and the babys' good.
The nicotine in your system has been proven to be harmful to unborn babies, not to mention the 2nd hand smoke he or she can inhale while you indulge in your habit.

If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in strict moderation, again for your sake and the baby in progress.
An occasional glass of wine can be okay, but just don't over do it.

If you're doing any non-prescription drugs, you MUST STOP immediatley!
The harm illicit drugs can do to an unborn child is a proven scientific fat.
Malformed babies, brain damage and many other problems arise when a mother continues to absorb harmful chemicals in her body, The baby shares the mothers blood and whatever else she places in her body (hopefully, just good healthy foods).

Regularly scheduled check ups by your Obstetrician are a must.

The Dr.s examination will check you and the baby inside for signs of good health, an advise and guide you along the path to parenthood.
They will also let you know if there's a problem during your pregnancy, and precribe what needs to be done to correct anything they find as detrimental to you and/or babys' health and well being.

Light exercise in moderation is a good way to stay healthy also, just don't over do it!
A walk everyday and  some easy stretching routines are excellent ways to stay healthy and vibrant, but again, check with your ob/gyn to make sure you're not doing too much for your stage of pregnancy.

Some important questions to ask your ob/gyn may include:

  • What are their office hours
  • Which hospital do they have admitting privileges
  • Does your doctor accept your type of insurance
  • If they're not available, who will cover for them
It's a good idea to talk to close freinds in your neighborhood who are parents and who can recommend a good, reliable ob/gyn to you.
Dont just choose the name of someone in the phone book or a name listed on your insurance card.

The day has come and you're admitted into the hospital, anxiety is at it's peak as the moment has arrived!
You will be closley monitored by the nurse(s) on duty to make sure you're comfortable and everything you've been waiting for to happen, happens smoothly!
Electronic monitors attached to you will keep a close watch on you and the soon to be born baby to ensure a smooth delivery.

Your contractions get stronger and more frequent and the doctor will measure you for dilation.
When the time is close, you will be moved into the delivery room and coached by your doctor and attending staff what happens next.

Finally, the baby wants out and will wait no longer! A flurry of activity happens as everyone (including yourself) works as a team.
After your beautiful baby is finally joining you as a family member, the doctor will cut the umbilical cord which has been nourishing (without smoke or drugs) your child.
Gently wiped, aspirated (getting mucous out of baby's nose and  mouth) he or she is wrapped in a soft blanket and handed to you.

There's no words that can describe the feelings a mother has when she gets to see and hold this living, beautiful baby that has grown inside of you for 9 long months!

Absolute bliss!

So what's next?
You're home with your little bundle of joy, freinds and relatives (some you didn't even know you had) come to visit. Being a mommy now usually means a lot less sleep as your baby's schedule is not in tune with yours (hopefully, real soon).
Feeding time is frequent, but one of the best bonding experiences between mother and child.

You're in amazement that you brought this new life into your world.
Proper nourishment for you and your child are still and always will be important.
Ask your doctor about good nutrition and feeding habits, learn all you can and follow the doctors orders!

Regular health check ups are extremely important for your child, keep your apointments and of course let the doctor know  right away if your baby seems ill.

Best of luck you you mommy and baby to a new way of life!
May you both be blessed with good fortune and good health

This blog was created by Harlow Katz and hopefully it gives mommy's to be some insight into what to expect from the first little heartbeat!
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